So After timeless questions that so many people in the industry who start out ask how do you go about finding the right professional to represent you?… Well First, you need to understand the difference between a manager, brand manager, booking agent, and talent agent.
If your signed with a manager from or have a brand manager within a professional company that person is like your mom and dad in the industry, helping you to make all of your career decisions, protecting your image and consulting you on any business decisions and as well helping market you to the right people including who your agent should be.

Without a star, there can be no planets and there can be no life. Without a star, you can have a hit single be the hottest chick on the planet but never a hit career. So what makes a star? That my friends is the million-dollar question. It’s kind of like the Supreme Court’s definition of “obscenity”…they said, we can’t define it but we certainly “know it when [we] see it” Talent scouts and agents.
The World’s top agencies like C.A.A ICM, Gersh, William Morris, Alliance Entertainment Group AEMT, etc they know the quality they look for and I know what I look for and the best way I can define a star and in what I call the next best-kept secret is to say that it’s an intangible quality about a person that creates an unending demand in the minds of the public to see more, learn more and hear more about that person.
Unfortunately, in many cases either you have it or you don’t! and after being in the showbiz industry for over 23yrs at an elite level I know if that person has that star quality to go to the next level cause you pretty much can feel the energy off them But there are certainly many examples of celebrities who have created their star images (e.g., Marilyn Manson Madonna, Eminem) very successfully.
Why? You ask Because they all understand what it is to be a star, and they all manufactured it from the beginning.
Can you count how many images changes Madonna and Marilyn Manson and Eminem rapping about some of the most controversial issues sort of like the white rapper that Kurt Cobain would have been..lol but my point is Each one was carefully calculated to grab the public’s attention and focus it all on the right when they needed it.
If nothing else, these names are some of the most brilliant marketing people to ever step foot in the music industry so when presenting us your demo and press package be creative and bottom-line be prepared and most important have real talent.
My point in all of this is to say that you will need much more than just a pretty look to succeed in the entertainment business today & to get signed by a top agency.
Remember just because an agency has 1000 people on their roster doesn’t make them a good agency unless you are like CAA or WMA and if you see their talent roster only the best of the best are there we try to do the same at AEMT & Alliance Entertainment

Eric Braeden & DTeflon Los Angeles California
A booking agent performs one very specific task, his primary responsibility is getting you booked for live performances, events jobs, etc (some go a bit further and help secure things like tour sponsorship too, but you get the basic idea).
So initially, when getting started you should be looking for a Brand manager first before a talent agent job as his or her job is to promote u to the top producer’s directors and casting directors which he will be the face for u before your career takes off it is pretty much the only way to get you in the door the right way (and not a business manager either, because he/she is really just your financial adviser and accountant)
Rule number one of management is never ever using your boy or girlfriend who you think happens to have some general business abilities just because he had a successful paper route when you were kids, You need to find a manager with experience, resources, and contacts.
Now here’s the rub, the managers with the most experience, resources and contacts don’t have time for you. That’s because they’re out there spending their time managing their superstar clients who make them a lot of money right now and a new artist just takes too much time and attention to cultivate. So what do you do? One way is to get the attention of a mid-level manager who works basically as a Brand Manager for the big-time entertainment talent manager.
One day hell probably be the big boss but for now, at least he/she has the attention of the big guy and access to his contacts but before you go look for a brand manager make sure you have a proper package in place which means a professional portfolio demo reel & updated photos, resume meaning you can have all the looks in the world but you must possess a talent for the manager to see and be able to market to an agent.
Shemar Moore DTEFLON Ray Brown
Let me ask you a question Do you truly know what it takes to be a star in the biz and have a long-lasting career.
Just look at the tabloids each week and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about And then ask yourself, what is it about Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, and so many other A-List stars, etc.
If your thinking of becoming a major name in showbiz or the fitness industry it’s all the same so ask yourself what makes some of the people that inspire you interesting to the public? and what do they have and how can I get it.
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