In my experience whenever you endure the pain of disappointment whether it be in love or friendship you have to go thru the recovery process & sometimes you build walls along the way to see who cares enough to break them down but as time heals the pain I learned life is all about hanging on to hope when your hearts had enough & giving more of it when you wanna give up!
Only you can pick yourself back up after you fall!
Love & Loyalty in a relationship are sometimes like a soldier going into war You have the pain of sometimes taking bullets that wound you & then there is the uncertainty of the outcome whether your army being your heart is gonna hold up under pressure to keep u going then sometimes you realize when you get to the battlefield meaning the relationship you sometimes realize you were in the fight alone & sometimes in a battle there is gonna be pain and wounds that sometimes feel so painful you want to just give up but somehow you hold onto faith to waiting for that one to save you from this pain to only realize when you look over your shoulder to realize no ones there..
But either way in life Love & War know there is no honor in going into a battle & getting your ass kicked but there’s no honor in not fighting for what you believe in at all and that’s not losing yourself in the process and forgetting what your fighting for and that’s real love and loyalty
So if you don`t give yourself the chance to fight and go after what you want for yourself You already lost the war but just remember never settle and always stay true to you
Remember folks Do what makes you happy Have no regrets. There is no such thing as mistakes in relationships that end badly,
Only bad Choices. Things happen for a reason Learn, Live & Love yourself which will allow you to love again. Remember that you are exactly where you are supposed to be in your life right now Trust yourself Only
No one except u can stop u from getting what you want in Life,
If your truly a good person with a good heart & someone is stupid enuff to let a good thing get away then they didn’t deserve to have it or u in the first
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